Why Home Coffee Machines Are the Ultimate Investment

By | Last Updated: 4 August 2022

During lockdown, the closure of fast-food restaurants and coffee shop franchises shook the nation. At least for those with a high caffeine addiction or a fear of washing up.

Scrambling for a solution, many turned to the internet to find the latest home gadgets to kit out their kitchens and supplement coffee-crazed habits. From TikTok reels of luxurious working from home routines to reviews of top-of-the-range bean to cup machines... it was safe to say sales for the homeware market had rocketed online. Sky-high in fact. 

Fast forward to the post-pandemic era and where are these kitchen gadgets now? Still at home? Locked away in the deep shadows of unused seasonings and dingy potatoes or sitting proudly on your kitchen counter?

Regardless of whether or not you’re actively using your high-end coffee gadgets and gizmos, here are a few reasons why opting for a stay-at-home coffee machine is better than drinking out. 

You save a hell of a lot of money

You cannot deny that the price of an average coffee, in some coffee shops, is damn right extortionate. Compared to a Tesco meal deal (back in the day, may we add!); the two products are incomparable regarding value for money.

If a daily workweek purchase consists of a medium, dry cappuccino with an extra shot to go... in some cases, this will amount up to around £3. That’s £780 per year that you could put towards a high-end bean to cup coffee machine. MADNESS!

You save time … and petrol!

Purchasing coffee is not only a ritual for hard workers, but it’s also a standard means of socialising. How many times have you driven to meet your friends at a coffee shop? Or sat impatiently in the drive-thru queue? Countless no doubt! 

With petrol prices on the rise, trips to your nearest coffee shop may become a limited experience, and if you’re not one for waiting around, maybe investing in a coffee machine at home is worthwhile. 

Instant access to mood-boosting properties 

As mentioned above, having a coffee machine saves you time, petrol and money. One of the other great benefits is having instant access to the magic coffee bean’s mood-boosting properties, in the comfort of your own home. 

Best of all, there are a plethora of machine designs to cater to your needs. From filter to espresso, bean to cup, and more, you can choose from a range of automated machines to provide you with a quality cup of joe, on-demand. 

You get to learn the world of a barista 

More for the experimental caffeine lovers, you can learn the tricks of a barista with a bean to cup coffee machine. Kitted with milk steamers and coffee bean grinders, you’ll be able to learn the art of creating the ultimate flat white. For those that aren’t too fussed with a milk steamer, opt for a more advanced machine with automatic milk frothing technology! 

You won'thave to deal with niggles of a coffee shop environment

For an introvert, this is a HUGE, bold tick but for others who enjoy the cafe setting, you may not want to read this part as we’re about to reveal a few home truths.

As lovely as some coffeehouses can be, you’re not always guaranteed a relaxing experience. Unless you arrive at the right time, there can be some inevitable interruptions that are slightly annoying, to say the least. 

Opt for a coffee machine at home, however, and you’re guaranteed no crying babies (unless of course, they’re your own), no sticky tables or Karen-like customers. No one to tell you how much coffee you can and can’t have, or worse, mixing up an order that you waited 10 minutes for. Comfy seats, clean bathrooms, reliable internet… need we say more? 

This doesn’t mean to say coffee shops aren’t great. They really are. A coffee machine at home just does the trick. It’s convenient, a money-saver and best of all, it's a brilliant barista who provides endless cups of delicious coffee, on-demand, without even talking! Who wouldn’t want a machine like that?


Coffee Machine - Buy Me a Coffee
Filter Coffee Machines - Glitch
Bean to Cup Machine - JobHop
Fully Automatic Coffee Machine - TechPlanet
Smart Coffee Machine - Zoho Writer

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