The Impact of Leaking Water

By | Last Updated: 4 August 2022

Small water leaks might not seem like a crucial problem, water is a natural resource, and unless there is enough, it can’t cause too much damage. However, water leaks can be hazardous, and companies need to put measures in place to prevent leaking water. In this article, we take a look at the impact of leaking water and how it can be prevented. 

Damp issues

Leaking water underground can cause problems with damp in people's homes. The water collects and is then slowly drawn up into the bricks of houses and businesses. Damp can be a considerable issue that costs a significant amount of money to fix. Not only is it expensive to fix, but it also can also be a danger to individuals' health, causing respiratory issues and infections. Water companies need to be able to identify leaking water quickly to prevent damp problems in houses.

Limited resource

Water is a limited resource; droughts impact many parts of the world each year. Water needs to be carefully conserved to stop wastage. When water leaks beneath the ground, it can limit some houses' supply and reduce water pressure. Water is a limited resource that we all use daily; without access to fresh water, washing clothes, bathing, and drinking water become impossible. 


Water leak detection solutions are not only used for fresh drinking water but are also used for wastewater. In order to protect the local environment from wastewater leakage, wastewater needs to be carefully contained. Wastewater contains harmful chemicals and bacteria that can impact humans, animals and the environment. If wastewater leaks into the fresh water supply, people could end up drinking that water and become sick.


Leachate is a form of water that is produced from landfill sites, organic material decays, and as a part of this process, leachate and biogas are produced. Leachate is damaging to the environment, and it should be stopped from leaking out of its container to avoid significant issues. 

Environmental remediation 

If wastewater or leachate leaks into the atmosphere, companies must conduct environmental remediation. This process cleans the area, removing the contamination. Both soil and groundwater can become contaminated if wastewater or leachate leaks out. Environmental remediation is a costly process that takes weeks, months or even years to complete. Preventing wastewater leaks is a better way to preserve the environment. 

Avoiding water leaks 

Companies implement water leak detection solutions to prevent water from leaking into the environment. There are several solutions that can identify when water is leaking and help pinpoint the leak's location. Many water leak detection systems use pressure sensors to help identify any problems or leaks. If there is a significant decrease in the pressure at a specific location that does not resolve, then it is a good indication that a leak in the system needs to be addressed. 

Water leak detection systems work well in singular tanks and specific locations to identify issues. It becomes more challenging to find a water leak in a vast array of underground pipes that connect to provide a source of water for every household. Water companies use several different approaches to detect leaks. Along with water detection systems, they use drones to survey areas where pipes are hidden below the ground. These drones can identify any changes in the vegetation above ground that might indicate a water leak. If there is more growth in a specific area, the water company will investigate and try to locate the source of the issue.

Another way that water companies can identify and find issues is through public reports. The public is encouraged to report problems quickly to their local water authority. All cases reported by the public should be checked by a trained engineer who can identify if there is an issue and put a procedure in place to find a solution.

To conclude, leaking water can cause numerous problems to the environment, houses, businesses and the public. Water leak detection systems are a reliable way to identify a leak or issues in closed containers. When there are multiple pipes or an underground system, a combination of water leak detection systems, drones and public reports are needed to find water leaks quickly and efficiently.


Water Level Monitor - Buy Me a Coffee
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